P.O Box 01, Kwania| Tel: +256-2-612244 | E-mail: info@kwania.go.ug
Location & Size
Kwania District is located in Northern Uganda, approximately 284 km (direct) from Kampala. It lies between longitudes 32.7, E34o 43’27.708 E and latitudes 1.99763 N 1o 59’51.474. It is bordered by the Districts of Kole in the North, Dokolo in the East, Apac in the West and Amolatar District in the South through Lake Kwania. The District covers a total area of 1,108 km2 of which 11% is under open water while 15% is under forests leaving 76% for human settlement. The District Headquarters is situated in Aduku TC, 22kms to the East of Apac district, along Apac - Lira Road
Map of Kwania